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Our Therapy Services

Individual, Family, Group & Faith Therapy Dallas, TX | Hebert Counseling


Individual, Family, Group and Faith Counseling. Our team is trained and experienced in working with diverse individuals and an array of challenges. We believe that safe relationships are at the heart of meaningful change. Your counselor will take time to hear your full story and work with you to develop a plan tailored to you and your goals. Is your family, peer group, marriage, or executive team struggling to get on the same page? During your sessions, you can expect to be supported and challenged to work toward agreed upon goals.
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Therapy Dallas, TX | Hebert Counseling

Alcohol + Drug Addiction

Whether you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, we know how destructive and hopeless this can be. We have years of experience working with individuals, families and couples desiring a more happy and joyous life, free from the turmoil and chaos caused by addiction. As a family member of an addict or alcoholic, it can be difficult to navigate the difference between “helping” and “enabling”, and what it means to really “love” your loved one. This is not a road to be walked alone.
Pre-Marital & Marriage Counseling Dallas, TX | Hebert Counseling

Pre-Marital + Marriage

We are committed to helping couples identify their unhealthy patterns, along with the roots of what keeps them stuck, in order to move back toward a more satisfying relationship marked by closeness and regular intimacy. The goal of marriage counseling is not merely to stop fighting but to help create a foundation of safety and security in order to deal with whatever difficulties arise as a unified team. Thinking about getting married? We offer a variety of services for those considering marriage from formal assessments through “Prepare and Enrich”, an emotionally focused approach, or a specifically Christian approach.
EMDR Therapy Dallas, TX | Hebert Counseling

EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is an alternative to traditional talk therapy. The goal of EMDR therapy is to assist clients in processing, not merely talking about, unresolved issues that have been stored maladaptively in the brain and continue to disrupt thinking, feelings and behavior. Research has shown, and we have experienced, EMDR to be a very effective treatment with a number of people dealing with a variety of issues.
Group Counseling Dallas, TX | Hebert Counseling

Group Counseling

Group counseling services are offered in our group room on site or at your business, church, etc. If it is off site there needs to be a safe place, free from interruption. Group therapy is a great place to work through a variety of presenting issues with a group of people going through the same thing. Is your team experiencing burn out? Are you looking for a group where others understand what it is like to overcome a similar addiction (substance, pornography, or sex) or difficulty? Is your executive team struggling to get on the same page? Group therapy may be helpful to you.
TeleHealth or Video therapy Dallas, TX | Hebert Counseling


TeleHealth or Video therapy is a great place to work through a variety of presenting issues from the convenience of your own home or office. Video sessions are for any resident of Texas seeking counseling services. Specifically, TeleHealth also benefits clients that are unable to leave their home due to sickness or other means. Additionally, clients with very hectic schedules may desire TeleHealth as a means to provide self-care without disrupting too much of one’s personal life.

Porn and Sex Addiction

Hebert Counseling offers specialized support for individuals struggling with porn and sex addiction. Our experienced counselors provide confidential and empathetic guidance to help clients break free from addictive patterns, addressing the challenges associated with compulsive pornography use and sexual addiction. With evidence-based interventions and a compassionate approach, we aim to assist clients on their journey towards recovery and healthier relationships.

Personalized Counseling

At Hebert Counseling, we understand that every individual’s needs are unique. That’s why we are proud to introduce our Personalized Counseling service, where our skilled therapists tailor treatment plans to align with each client’s specific goals and circumstances. Whether you’re seeking therapy for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or personal growth, our counselors work closely with you to create a customized path and schedule to healing and self-discovery, ensuring that your counseling experience is both effective and personalized to your requirements.

“I like that they really get to know my situation and needs. Their help and care is absolutely genuine. They are great counselors.”

— James W.

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